Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Free Tokens from Chuck E Cheese

There is a large variety of ways that your children can earn 10 free tokens (1 per child, so be sure to have one for each child). They do require a food purchase to redeem, but if you are going to Chuck E Cheese, you might as well get all the extra free token you are allowed. When we went in the spring, we used the Reading Rewards chart to help my 2 kids and a friend each get an extra 10 tokens.

Click HERE to see all of the reward charts available.

As of the typing of this post there is reward charts for good behavior, chores, clean room, getting dressed, good eater, graduation, homework, practicing music, good listening, no nose picking, reading, good patient, potty training, sleeping, sports, super student, table manners, teeth brushing, no thumb sucking and the Tooth Fairy.


Unknown said...

We've just started using reward charts for our 4.5 year old. So far it's going ok, but I think we need to up the ante a little bit for him. I'll definitely check these out!

Emily Reviews said...

how cool! i knew they offered tokens for grades but didn't know about any of the others.

Jessica said...

We love reward charts, they work so well for our oldest on. He's never been to Chuck E Cheese so this might be a fun idea.